Brawl at Baldwin Park Publix caught on cell phone
Screams could be heard from the Publix deli as two grown men who were fighting fell to the floor. Video posted on YouTube by customer Kevin Hallmark shows the two kicking, scrapping and throwing punches before they're both able to get back up. A man in blue is jumping around with his fists cocked like a boxer, bobbing and weaving.
In the background, customers are heard urging the guys to stop as the man in gray throws the guy in blue into the cold cuts case, before two other men are finally able to separate the brawlers.
Orlando Police say this happened at the Baldwin Park Publix Monday at 5:45 p.m. The man in gray, identified by police as Edwin Colon, told officers this all started outside when he asked a pregnant woman to move a shopping cart that she had just used over so he could pull his car into the parking spot.
According to the incident report, Colon told Orlando Police that the pregnant female responded by grabbing the cart, shaking it and asking, "What do you want me to do with it?" Then, he claims she started cursing at him.
Colon told police he cursed back, got out of his car and went to Publix deli to get a sandwich. A witness told police she saw the pregnant woman call her husband on her cell phone moments later. Colon told police that, as he was placing his order, an unknown man who identified himself as the pregnant woman's husband, "proceeded to push his face into Colon's, poking him with his nose."
Colon says he pushed the man to create distance, then he says the husband tried putting him in a headlock. Things got ugly fast. The video Hallmark posted on YouTube starts after the fight had already begun.
Right now, police are trying to identify the man in blue. Colon told officers he wants to press charges.
A spokesperson for Publix tells FOX 35, "This is an unfortunate incident that occurred at the Baldwin Park Publix location and is currently under police investigation."