'Man cave' made of shipping containers causes controversy in Florida neighborhood

Stacked shipping containers in the backyard of one man's home in Brevard County aren't making some neighbors happy.

According to Brevard County, the owner was building a "man cave" in the backyard.

Chuck Burley lives a couple of doors down from the home. He says the homeowner is active duty military and wanted to build something for him and his kids.

"He waited two-plus years for the permits to go through. It's not willy-nilly, it's not fly by night. He didn't do it on the spur of the moment. He submitted plans a long, long time ago," Burley said.

Another neighbor said she wasn't a fan of the stacked shipping containers. She told FOX 35, "Man caves are in your house, you have a room inside, but not outside." She went on to say, "It doesn't make any sense."

A different neighbor said it was "unbelievable what was happening behind her house."

The county did issue a permit to the homeowner, but it's unclear the details of what that permit allowed. According to Brevard County codes, a new cargo shipping container may be used as residential storage but no stacking of containers shall be allowed.

In a statement to FOX 35, Don Walker the Communications Director of Brevard County said "As of this morning the County used a Stop Work Order, which essentially stops everything in place. We are currently evaluating our options. We have spoken (the owner), who has expressed a willingness to work with us on a workable solution."

The county has scheduled a meeting with the owner next Thursday to find a solution.

FOX 35 did attempt to reach the homeowner by phone and going to the home but no one answered. 
