VIDEO: Deputy tases Florida high school student after being attacked
Eustis High School resource officer user Taser on student
Dramatic video shows a ninth-grade student at the Eustis High School Curtright Campus pummeling School Resource Officer William Brown. Eventually Brown grabs the student and pulls her to the ground. There, she continues struggling, hitting him with her knee and fists.
EUSTIS, Fla. - A Florida high school student, seen on video attacking a school resource officer after he tried to break up a fight, ended up being tased by the deputy.
The incident, which was captured on video, happened Tuesday at the Eustis High School 9th Grade Center.
According to the Lake County Sheriff's Office, Deputy William Brown was called to the cafeteria because of a disturbance in the cafeteria. Officials say the deputy tried to separate the girl in the video and the other students who were involved.
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"We watched the video from the school district. You can see in the video where she strikes him several times. Actually, when we sat and counted, he was struck almost 18 times, total," said Sgt. Fred Jones, from the Lake County Sheriff's Office.
Eventually, Brown grabs the student and pulls her to the ground. There, she continues struggling, hitting him with her knee and fists. The Sheriff's Office said, once back on their feet, the teen continued to refuse the deputy’s instructions. She moves at him and he steps back and fires both probes of his Taser at her and she drops to the floor.
After Brown restrains her, deputies said she apologized.
"She said, 'Does your face hurt? I'm sorry. I went into a rage, I was angry, I saw black, I didn't realize it was you I was hitting,’" Jones said.
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School officials wouldn't comment on the fight. Deputies said it started as an argument between the student and one of her classmates. They say Brown did everything he should have.
"When we're on that campus, our goal is to build a relationship with these students. The last thing we want is some kind of use of force," Jones said.
The teen was charged with two counts of battery on a law enforcement officer and one count of resisting an officer with violence.
"The young lady actually apologized to the deputy and stated she thinks he’s a good deputy."
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