Florida's 'Surfing Santas' founder wants to send toy into space

Surfing Santas normally take over the Space Coast every Christmas morning on Cocoa Beach.

However, this year they're looking at surfing the stars!

George Trosett first started the tradition of 'Surfing Santas' in Cocoa Beach back in 2009 with just him and his family. Now, thousands of Santa-clad surfers hit the waves every year.

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After seeing the SpaceX crews take plush toys into orbit this year, he says they should take a 'Surfing Santa.'

But it costs thousands of dollars, so he's hoping to find a generous sponsor.
"I got a little guy here -- he could be the guy. Hashtag #margaritaville -- hey Jimmy Buffet, what's up? But maybe Visit Florida, maybe they want to play. They use money to promote tourism to Florida. And if 'Surfing Santa' went to the space station, that would certainly create tourism."

The 'Surfing Santas' event is canceled this year, but Trosett encourages everyone to dress up, and surf at their home beach.
